Hardware as a Service

A flexible approach to hardware consumption

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Hardware as a Service (HaaS) enables you to pay for the hardware you need when you need it. At the same time, it enables greater reuse of IT assets and avoids e-waste.

For many businesses, IT demand fluctuates. That’s especially true for subscription-based business models and companies that use hybrid working. To optimise costs and reduce environmental impact, it’s important to match your hardware resources to the current demand.

HaaS allows you to change your hardware procurement from capital expenditure (CapEx) to operational expenditure (OpEx). You can scale your hardware requirements up or down in line with demand, and when you don’t need an asset any more, it goes back to the vendor to be used somewhere else.

Why Hardware as a Service From Circularity First

Transparent impact
Flexible financials
We work with vendor take-back and reuse programmes to ensure assets are redeployed or recycled when you’ve finished with them.
We’ll seek opportunities to update your equipment with newer, more energy-efficient options, and work out how to extend the life of existing infrastructure when support ends.
Understand your impact. We’ll give you ESG metrics from our industry-leading carbon reporting tool, CFOS.
Developed through years of research, our report gives you insight that can be shared with stakeholders across the business.
We use OEM remanufactured equipment and pass on savings of between 10% and 15% compared to new.

There are no lock-in options, and your contract can be modified or refreshed. Contract terms run from 18 months to 5+ years, and you can refresh to the latest hardware during the service period.

Certified, Fully Supported IT

We ensure that hardware support is provided directly by the original equipment vendor and meets your service level agreement requirements.

Cistor, part of the Circularity First Group, sources new and remanufactured hardware directly from Cisco. Cisco’s certified remanufactured program Cisco Refresh ensures that all equipment is like new, with the same warranty and support.

Software Company Aligns IT With Subscriptions

A European software company that sells subscriptions worked with us to align their hardware resourcing with their IT demand.

IT performance was essential for customer satisfaction. The company chose our HaaS solution for its scalability (up and down), reliability and sustainability.

cost saving using Cisco Refresh
embodied carbon saving by using remanufactured equipment
e-waste avoided
tonnes CO2e saved by avoiding the manufacture of new equipment

"For us the difference between as a Service and CaPex is that we do not invest in hardware, we only buy the capacity, functionality and performance we need.

- Infrastructure Director

Do you want flexibility and sustainability?

Speak to our HaaS experts today.
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