Circular Impact Reporting, what exactly is it?

How we built a tool to analyses the carbon footprint of new and remanufactured IT hardware

Three minute read
March 19, 2024

Our Circular Impact Report analyses the environmental footprint of both new and remanufactured products by calculating carbon emissions from production, transportation, and assembly. To find out how businesses are using this insight to add value to their profits, people and processes read part one of this series.

Providing you with data from your own order history so that you can:

  • View your total carbon data from the purchases you make
  • Provide a side by side comparison of remanufactured versus new enabling you to make more informed purchasing decisions
  • Understand the make-up of your carbon numbers, broken down into Raw materials, Assembly and Transport

How we got the data for our model

We ‘tore down’ our best-selling products to their individual component parts. This involved separating all the different material types, from the plastics, metals and screws to the PCB, fans and individual circuit components, to better understand the materials in each device and the emissions involved in going m raw materials to it’s in-use door step or ‘Cradle-to-Gate’ to use the technical term.

Awesome, but what does my report tell me?


Carbon & eWaste Insights

Your report begins with some headline data including quantities of remanufactured and/or new with your corresponding carbon numbers.

Based on your quantity of devices, you receive a ‘carbon saved’ number which you can use to make better informed decisions when looking at your supply chain.

You will also receive an eWaste avoided number, this is the total weight of any remanufactured products that have been saved from becoming eWaste. 

Cradle-to-Gate Analysis

Next, we go deeper into your data, providing carbon numbers of the three main elements that make up your ‘cradle-to-gate’ figures.

As well as providing real numbers, we also provide a visual representation of the embedded carbon involved in the extraction of raw materials, the assembly of the products and the transportation involved in the complete journey from extraction to doorstep.

Real World Comparisons

Part 3 is where the fun begins…

Our tool has calculated your figures for the remanufactured products you have bought and compares them, like-for-like, against a brand new device, visually displaying the carbon savings as a whole for the date range of your choosing.

We’ve thrown in some real world equivalents to give you an idea of what these tonnes or carbon dioxide equivalent numbers mean.

Plus, we compare any brand new devices you have bought against their Remanufactured equivalents, to give you an idea of future carbon savings when choosing the more sustainable option.

Material Breakdown & eWaste Avoidance

Ever wondered what materials make up the devices you’ve bought?

The last page of your report breaks down the materials that make up your purchases and provides you with the total amount of eWaste you have avoided by choosing remanufactured over new.

As businesses’ are required to report on their scope three carbon emissions, reporting like this is becoming more important. Having this data doesn’t just enable you to speed up your responses to regularity requirements though; measurements of metrics like this are starting to help organisations increase enterprise value, mitigate against climate risk and lower operational costs.

Businesses are already using this data to make more informed decisions on their purchases concerning scope 3 accountability, to measure the Carbon and eWaste avoidance when it comes to decommissioning their equipment and to assist with their Scope 3 reporting.

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